BreezyNotes EHR Position Statement on the Minnesota 2015 Interoperable EHR Mandate

MN_Department_of_Health_LogoIt’s 2015. Most therapists are required to have an interoperable EHR in place right now.

Even with a recent re-write of the law, every Minnesota provider who takes insurance or is set up as a group practice must comply with the Minnesota mandate.

As an EHR company focused on behavioral health we should rejoice, right?

The majority of behavioral health practices are required to use an EHR and they are required to put their clients’ data in it!

Unfortunately, we can’t.

It’s because of those two “requirements” that we are against the Minnesota 2015 Mandate—even with the amended verbiage.


Here’s Why:

First and foremost – Client Rights. Every client should have the right to choose how their health data is (or is not) stored…electronic, paper, or not at all.

A client shouldn’t be turned a way, or worse, be forced to stop seeing a therapist because that client does not want an electronic record of his/her visits in existence.

Second – Therapist Rights. Every therapist should have the freedom to choose whether or not they adopt a technology. If it’s not making your life easier and your practice better, why use it?

At BreezyNotes, we take no joy in the mandate. You should use our software because it solves your problems and helps you run your practice as you like, and does it better than any other EHR software out there.

Our vision is “Electronic health records should be easy.” Our mission is to create an EHR application that is easy, efficient, compliant and secure. You should choose to use BreezyNotes, not be forced to.

More details on the Minnesota mandate:


To find out more about BreezyNotes, email us at or call 612-568-1124.