BreezyNotes EHR® Receives a Positive Review from Tame Your Practice

BreezyNotes EHR® Receives a Positive Review from Tame Your Practice

“BreezyNotes is focused on keeping things straightforward and easy to use.” – Rob Reinhardt

tame-your-practice-picThe ball keeps rolling…

BreezyNotes EHR® was just reviewed by Rob Reinhardt, LPC-S, M.Ed, NCC, and owner of behavioral health practice consultancy Tame Your Practice.

In it he highlights a number of features we’ve worked hard on including our easy-to-use interface, noting that he was impressed by our more advanced features like ERA auto-posting and the therapist commission report.

We especially appreciated this comment, “BreezyNotes is focused on keeping things straightforward and easy to use,” because it highlights exactly what we are trying to accomplish with BreezyNotes. We will continue developing the application with the same keep-it-simple attitude we’ve had since the beginning.

Many thanks to Rob for his time. See his full review here.