Change or Add a Facility
Administration, Support Posts
You cannot remove or delete a facility in BreezyNotes. Doing so would break any connections the facility had with existing system data. Therefore you can only add or change.
Facilities are also connected directly to Users and Appointments, both of which affect billing and reporting.
Facility Basics
You can add a facility or change its information by going to Administration > Facilities. Aside from the basics like name and address, here’s a breakdown of the other fields:
- Tax ID: Can be an EIN or SSN. The type and number are both sent to insurance so make sure they match what the insurance company has.
- Facility NPI: This can be a Type 1 (individual) or Type 2 (facility). If it’s the same NPI as what’s listed in your User profile, then this is what’s sent to the payer as your billing NPI in Box 33 of the HCFA. It will be omitted from the Rendering Provider NPI (box 24J).
- Billing Location: Indicates that this location can bill insurance and receive remittance advice (vs. Service Location). This is an option when you create an appointment
- Service Location: Indicates to BreezyNotes that clients are seen at this location. Claims must be submitted under the Billing Location. This is an option when you create an appointment and in the user profile.
- Primary Business Entity: This indicates your primary location. If it’s a billing location, it will be the fallback location if any other location info is missing when a claim is submitted.
- Accepts Assignment: This tells insurance companies that you have permission to receive payment on behalf of your clients. If this is not checked, clients will receive checks from their insurance company.
- Color: Used to differentiate between locations.
- POS Code: Generally this needs to be set to “11: Office.” This indicates to the insurance company the setting in which clients are seen.
- Billing Attention: Only needed if you want remits to go to a specific person.
- CLIA Number: Only used for clinics that do lab testing on human specimens
When scheduling appointments, you will have the option to pick a Billing Facility and a Service Facility. Whatever you pick for that specific client will be remembered by BreezyNotes for the next appointment.