Converting from ICD-9 to ICD-10 with BreezyNotes EHR
Therapists and other behavioral health professionals have a lot to manage for a smooth ICD-9 to ICD-10 conversion on October 1, 2015. Therapists still using the DSM-IV will need to start using the DSM-5 in order to properly diagnose with ICD-10.
Here at BreezyNotes EHR, we are dedicated to making the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 as easy as possible. We are strategically integrating just over four hundred ICD-10 codes related to behavioral health into our system. That means updating all code numbers and the vast majority of diagnosis descriptions. These new codes and descriptions will be applied to our code lists in a way that makes finding the right ICD-10 diagnosis a simple task.
ICD-9 codes will be the default for our Diagnostic Assessment through September 30. Prior to the changeover, we plan to show the approximate ICD-10 conversions to help our users get used to the transition. At midnight on October 1, we will switch the default coding over to ICD-10.
Of course, there may be a situation where you will need to complete a diagnosis from a session prior to October 1 after the changeover has taken effect. We will make sure you can still do so.
If you have questions about the ICD-9 and ICD-10 conversion and electronic health records, or if you’re interested in becoming a tester with BreezyNotes at a significantly reduced monthly rate, contact us online or give us a call at 612-568-1124.