BreezyNotes Group Practice Case Study: Cabot Psychological Services
What does she like about BreezyNotes?
- More time to see clients
- Quick and courteous customer support
- Fast learning curve
- One-click billing
Who is Amanda?
In high school Amanda thought she wanted to be a psychologist. Turns out, she was right, and she followed that course for the next several years. She received her Ph.D. from Auburn University, going on to be a Clinical Psychologist at an eating disorder program and Senior Clinical Psychologist at a major medical facility.
But, something wasn’t quite right. “I didn’t like being managed,” Amanda recalls. She didn’t want people looking over her shoulder, setting her schedule, and taking revenue from her work.
So, Amanda started Cabot Psychological Services, now a group practice with five other therapists.
Why an EHR?
In the beginning, Amanda enjoyed administering her practice. She was using paper for documentation, spreadsheets to manage the numbers and a clearinghouse to manually submit claims. As Cabot grew, however, tasks became more numerous and tedious. And they took away from what she really wanted to do, which was seeing clients.
Amanda hired an assistant to take some of the weight off her shoulders. But when that assistant left, she knew she needed something to make running her practice as efficient as possible. Plus, with all the therapists hand writing notes, the amount of paper Cabot used was too high for Amanda’s taste. She started searching for an EHR.
The unlikely choice
Amanda demoed many different practice management systems. Then she saw a postcard for BreezyNotes EHR’s launch party last November. Thinking she’d just drop in quick for refreshments and to see what this startup was about, Amanda stopped by. She met BreezyNotes Sales Director Tony Kamp and COO Paul Jonas, and ultimately decided to give this fledgling startup a shot with a 30-Day Free Trial.
By the end of the trial, she wasn’t quite yet convinced. It was still missing some “dealbreaker” features for her. Some already existed, and Paul further customized her instance to better fit her needs. A few were already in development and others would make administration significantly easier for all users.
“We keep track of every suggestion customers make for improving BreezyNotes,” explains Paul. “The ones that are universally beneficial, or the most requested are put at the top of the development roadmap. But we stay cognizant of the small changes, too.”
After some productive conversations for both BreezyNotes and Cabot, BreezyNotes agreed to add those missing dealbreaker features to the next revision of the software. Amanda stuck with BreezyNotes.
What Amanda likes about BreezyNotes
While some EHRs take hours of training and months of acclimation, it took Amanda’s contractors just a couple of weeks to become comfortable with BreezyNotes.
“They love it,” says Amanda.
Now, Amanda has more time for her clients than before. She can quickly and easily monitor how her therapists are progressing in their work, generate invoices and statements for all of Cabot’s clients, see when and how much her contractors will be paid, and follow-up on claims.
Before BreezyNotes, Amanda used a software that forced her to submit every claim for her contractors individually. That has changed drastically. Now, each therapist clicks one button after documenting a visit to save the note, sign it and submit the claim to insurance.
“I don’t have to do anything,” says Amanda of billing with BreezyNotes. “It just goes.”
As with any software, issues and questions come up, but they are never issues for long. When Amanda contacts customer support, she consistently receives quick and helpful responses (unlike some other EHR vendors). And the people on the other end of the phone have always been courteous and friendly. “I like the BreezyNotes people.”
What about those missing features?
Amanda’s “dealbreaker” features were not forgotten. Next week, BreezyNotes will be adding many of them in a major update. Chief among them will be recurring appointments as well as a therapist commission report.
When asked about the upcoming revision, Amanda had this to say:
“I’m so excited!”
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