How Can We Help You: Trade Winds Weekly Digest

How Can We Help You: Trade Winds Weekly Digest

The success of our customers is top priority – even above the product. If you break it down, BreezyNotes is ultimately here to make therapists’ lives easier.

So, one day while clicking through the host of behavioral news sources we monitor, we asked ourselves: What if we took the best and most relevant stories we read each day and put them in a convenient digest?

With that, Trade Winds was born.

Click above to see our most recent issues.

Click above to see our most recent issues.

Trade Winds is a carefully curated digest of the most relevant behavioral healthcare news. The stories we send out are a mix of the latest news, thought-provoking analysis, and fascinating narratives.

Here are some stories that struck a chord with our audience:

Creating a Calmer Home for Your Child on the Autism Spectrum” isn’t just a quick “Top 10 Tips” list. It’s a detailed breakdown of techniques from an LMHC who is also raising a child who is on the spectrum.

Busting Barriers to Exchange of Health Care Records” reacts to and breaks down the complex proposition by CMS to simplify privacy rules for those with drug disorders.

10 Habits Threatening Your Company’s Data Security” gives a quick and dirty breakdown of everyday habits that leave your practice vulnerable to a data breach.

Connecting Therapists

After a few issues of Trade Winds came out, one of our customers from Cedar Hill Therapy suggested that we use the digest to help connect therapists. Genius!

“On Deck” announcements was born.

These are short announcements our subscribers can submit for inclusion in Trade Winds. They range from workshops to conferences to just about anything…


Trade Winds is meant for any therapist, not just our customers. So, if you’d like to receive carefully curated behavioral healthcare news in your inbox every week, fill out the form below. The next issue comes out tomorrow morning, so make sure to sign up now!

And if you ever want to submit a story to Trade Winds or tell us how we could make it more relevant to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear your feedback!

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