Meet Tyler Schow, Communications Specialist & Mass Transit Aficionado

Meet Tyler Schow, Communications Specialist & Mass Transit Aficionado

tyler-bike-ollie-600x800In our industry, it’s so tempting to just focus on the software that it’s easy to forget about the people who build and maintain it. So we want to introduce you to the people behind BreezyNotes EHR.

Tyler Schow is a sustainable transit nerd. And we say that with as much love as possible. That’s because we appreciate when the people we work with have a passion that makes them happy.

Tyler’s passion for sustainable transit solutions began when he moved from the suburbs to the University of Minnesota. Forced to live without access to a car, Tyler learned to get by on taking mass transit and his bicycle to get where he needed to go.

As Tyler used these sustainable modes more often, he became passionate about expanding their availability to more people. Now, to work toward that end, Tyler volunteers for the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition and the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, while also writing for the blog

tyler-bus-800x600Now graduated, Tyler continues to live without a car. At BreezyNotes EHR, Tyler works from home three days out of the week. For the other two, Tyler rides a bus into Eden Prairie and then bikes the rest of the way to our office.

At BreezyNotes EHR, we’re pleased to be able to support Tyler’s passion. We look forward to telling you more about the passions of our people in future posts.