Pro Tips: View Your Practice’s Collections by Provider

Pro Tips: View Your Practice’s Collections by Provider

You’ve probably used our collections report to see your practice’s open balances. A month ago, we showed you can separate open balances by age to see how long they’ve gone unpaid.

Now with our most recent version of BreezyNotes, you can view your collections report for only one provider. This is useful for large practices that don’t want to scroll through a long list to find balances for a single provider.
Use the provider drop-down to use our simple and easy collections report in BreezyNotes EHR for therapists

How to view your collections report by provider

To view a collections report for a single provider:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Financial > Collections on the left toolbar.
  2. Use the “Provider” drop-down to select the provider you’d like to view.
  3. Click “Submit”.

This will bring up the open balances for only the provider you selected.

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