Farewell to Meaningful Use

Farewell to Meaningful Use

Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Like many of you, we were glad to learn that Meaningful Use, while good in concept, is going away “as it has existed.” And while there’s very little information about what’s coming next, it seems like we can hope for a few things:

  • A focus on client outcomes
  • More flexibility to achieve those outcomes
  • A level playing field for startup EHR applications

With that, some are predicting that the big EHR vendors will have to start changing their applications to fit the way providers practice so they can provide the best care for their clients, rather than forcing the providers to change their workflows to fit the application.

Of course, we’ve already done that. Here’s why:

We think you should be free to practice therapy however works best for you.

In fact, that is BreezyNotes raison d’être. Unlike the big EHR vendors, BreezyNotes started from the standpoint of a practicing mental health provider–BreezyNotes founder Jim Jonas, LICSW, LMFT. He was done with the compromises and trade-offs involved with fitting his practice around a system instead of the other way around.

Our focus is making sure you can provide the best care for your clients. We’ve always kept clinical functionality, usability and simplicity as core tenets of BreezyNotes’ design. That means getting a client from scheduled to billed as simply as possible.

We’re always looking for ways to make the application more flexible to suit your practice’s workflow. Our latest revision introduced access roles embedded with numerous features that allow you to customize how they work. Our next revision includes further interface simplification, additional calendar features, better reporting and speed improvements..

We believe you should be free to choose the tool that is best for your practice. This overarching principle is the reason we opposed Minnesota’s EHR mandate. It’s why we’ve built BreezyNotes to work the way you do. It’s why we price BreezyNotes to grow with you. And it’s why we don’t ask you to sign a long-term contract.

So, we’re glad to see Meaningful Use is coming around to our way of thinking. We hope CMS will follow through on creating a new incentive program that will #LetDoctorsBeDoctors and #LetTherapistsBeTherapists.