Create an Individual Treatment Plan

Create an Individual Treatment Plan

Create an Individual Treatment Plan (ITP) for a Client

  • The Individual Treatment Plan (ITP) is not billable. Therefore it can only be selected from the Forms dropdown in a client’s chart.
  • The Treatment Plan is not required by default.
  • Goals or objectives in any treatment plan will carry forward into Progress Notes.
  • More on the Goal Library here.

Open theĀ OBH 02 Individual Treatment Plan

Choose OBH 02 Individual Treatment Plan from the Forms dropdown in a client’s chart.

The ITP by default will show you the Primary Diagnosis from Diagnostic Assessment as well as any Concerns and Symptoms registered for the client.

Add Goals and Objectives

Click the “Add New Goal” button in the Goals and Objectives section of the ITP

Choosing a Goal will then load a section for that goal for the provider to manage:

Select any objectives you’d like included in the ITP

This will load the objective and make it available for the provider to edit and update. By choosing “Other” you can create your own Objective on the spot.


Goals and Objectives in the Progress Note

You will have a section in the Progress Note that will include all the goals and objectives created in the ITP

  • Check the Goal box to select all objectives
  • CheckĀ  individual objectives if you worked on just that item.



Return to a Saved or Incomplete Individual Treatment Plan (Or Any Saved Note)

  1. In the Client’s chart, click on Encounter History

  2. In the list of service dates, click on the Individual Treatment Plan to open your saved note: