1st Anniversary of Trade Winds Weekly Digest

1st Anniversary of Trade Winds Weekly Digest

Not long after BreezyNotes EHR’s first birthday, we have another milestone to celebrate: Today marks the one year anniversary of Trade Winds Weekly Digest, BreezyNotes EHR’s carefully curated digest of the most relevant behavioral healthcare news.

Saving therapists time and sanity

Click above to see our most recent issues.

Click above to see our most recent issues.

We like to think BreezyNotes EHR saves therapists time and sanity. That’s why we created Trade Winds Weekly Digest one year ago.

We understand that running a behavioral health private practice takes a lot of time and energy to see clients, write notes and manage your practice.  There just isn’t a lot of time left to do one more very important thing: stay up-to-date on the latest treatment and business practices. So we decided to do the work for you.

For a year now our subscribers have received a simple mix of the latest news and ideas in behavioral health every Friday morning. It’s just one fewer task to get in the way of what they really want to do: helping their clients.

Promoting hard-working clinicians

After the first few issues of Trade Winds came out, one of our customers from Cedar Hill Therapy suggested that we use the digest to help connect therapists. With that “On Deck” announcements was born, allowing therapists to share announcements about workshops, open houses and events in short 200 character posts.

You can have it, too

Trade Winds is meant for any therapist, not just our customers. So, if you’d like to receive carefully curated behavioral healthcare news in your inbox every week, fill out the form below. The anniversary issue comes out tomorrow morning, so make sure to sign up now!

And if you ever want to submit a story to Trade Winds or tell us how we could make it more relevant to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Subscribe to Trade Winds Weekly Digest

Subscribe to Trade Winds