Setting the Place of Service

Setting the Place of Service

Place of Service is set at the Facility level in Administration > Facilities. If you or your staff are seeing clients outside of the office, you will need to add location(s) in Administration > Facilities and select the correct Place of Service (POS) codes.

Once added, the Service Location for an encounter can be set in two places:

  1. The Appointment Window:
  2. The “Client Encounter” form on the Encounter Summary:

If you see a client outside of the office and need to bill travel time, then you will need to update the Service Facility.

  1. If it’s an appointment that you are adding to the calendar, then simply choose the correct Service Facility in the Appointment Window when you’re scheduling the client.
  2. If your claim does not have an appointment associated with it, you’ll have to change it on the Encounter Summary:
    1. Go to the Encounter History for the client
    2. Click on the appropriate DOS, or selected it from the Encounter History dropdown at the top of the screen.
    3. Click the “Edit” button next to Client Encounter by [provider name].
    4. Change “Facility” to the appropriate Place of Service.
    5. Click the Save button