Completing Progress Note (CTSS)
Progress Notes can be found by scheduling an appointment, or from the Forms Dropdown in a client’s chart. Some are session-based, meaning you one unit is billed no matter the length. Others are unit-based, which means the units billed increase as more time is spent on the activity (typically 1 unit = 15 minutes).
There are seven Progress Notes or other Note Types in a default setup for a CTSS clinic:
- CTSS 04 – Psychotherapy Progress Note (Session Based)
- CTSS 05 – Skills Training and Development Note (Unit Based)
- CTSS 06 – Standardized Measures Note (Session Based)
- CTSS 07 – Mental Health Clinical Care Consultation (Session Based)
- CTSS 08 – Comp Community Support Services – Crisis Assistance (Session Based)
- CTSS 09 – Therapeutic Behavioral Services (Unit Based)
- CTSS 10 – Discharge Summary Note (Non-Billable)
- OTH – Cancellation (Non-Billable)
All forms except the CTSS 10 – Discharge Summary Note are scheduled with the “Client Session” Appointment Type on the calendar. OTH – Cancellation is associated with the “Other” Appointment Type. Some forms may not be visible to all users depending on your clinic’s unique access settings.
1. Scheduling a Client Session
Create the Appointment on the Calendar
- Drag the client’s name from the Active Client List on the left to the client’s initial appointment
TIP: You can also click on the calendar to set up an appointment and will need to specify the client in the Client section of the appointment window
- The Appointment Window will pop-up
- Click Save. This will create dark blue appointment on the calendar
2. Open and Write your Client Session Note
- On the calendar, click the Notepad icon (
) on the client’s “Client Session” appointment.
- In addition to Date of Service, there will also be:
- Start Time: Indicate the actual start time of the appointment
- End Time: Indicate the actual end time of the appointment
PRO TIP: Use the numbers on your keypad and the tab key instead of the mouse to quickly work through these adjustments - Client Location: Location of Client at time of service.
- Provider Location: Location of Provider at time of service.
- If the provider is at home doing telehealth, then choose the Primary Facility
- Billing Details: For billing code selection and travel time.
- Choose the appropriate billing code for the session
- To choose an additional billing code like Interactive Complexity, hold the Ctrl button (PC) or Cmd button(Mac) while clicking. You can also do this to unselect a billing code.
- Fill out Travel Time, if applicable
- Complete Progress Note
- At the bottom of the form you will have three options: “Save”, “Save and Close”, “Save & Sign”, or “Save, Sign, & Submit”
- Choose Save, Sign & Submit if you are done with the form
- If this button is grayed out, it will display a message with the reason why.
- If it is missing, either the form is non-billable or you do not have the access level required to submit a claim. Talk to your clinic administrator if this is incorrect.
- If you Save and Close, you can can return to this form, by clicking on the Notepad icon (
- The blue appointment will have turned yellow to indicate that the session was started but not completed.
A Note on Telehealth
- If the Client Location and Provider Location are different, the system will ask “Was this Telehealth?”
- Choose “Yes” and a Telehealth Session Details section pops up
- If you choose No you will receive this warning:
The logic being, if provider and client are in different places, how would they have a billable session unless telehealth was involved?
How to Return to an Unfinished Form
If it’s scheduled on the calendar, just click on the Notepad icon () of the appointment to return to it.
- If the form has not been signed, you’ll open up the form to finish.
- If the form has been signed, you will go to the Encounter Summary.
Alternatively, you can return to any and all forms through the Encounter History.
- In the client’s chart, click on “Encounter History”
- Find the form that needs to be finished, click on it, and continue filling out