Step 1: Re-Open the Fee Sheet for a Claim or Encounter

Step 1: Re-Open the Fee Sheet for a Claim or Encounter

To make any changes to a claim after it has been submitted to insurance, you will need to Re-Open the Fee Sheet. The Fee Sheet tells BreezyNotes EHR what codes it should submit to insurance for that encounter.

If the claim has not been submitted to insurance and you need to modify the fee sheet, skip to step two (in the right sidebar).

There are two ways to re-open the Fee Sheet for an encounter:

Via the Encounter Summary

  1. Click the notepad icon for the DOS you need to resubmit or select it from the client’s Encounter History.
  2. In the Encounter Summary, click the Fee Sheet button.
  3. Click the “Re-Open Fee Sheet” button at the bottom of the Fee Sheet.

Via Client Encounters

  1. Click Billing in the left Navigation.
  2. Click the “Client Encounters” Tab.
  3. Find or Filter for the encounter claim you need to update.
  4. Check the box to the right of that claim. (If you need to re-open multiple claims, check all the boxes and then go on to the next step.)
  5. In the Actions dropdown, select “Re-Open.”