Pro Tip: Quickly See How Long Your Invoices Have Gone Unpaid

[caption id="attachment_4127" align="alignright" width="300"] With the aging columns, invoice balances are separated by how long they have gone unpaid.[/caption] You've probably used our collections report to see the open balances for each of your clients. But did you know you can separate the open balances by age...

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1st Anniversary of Trade Winds Weekly Digest

Not long after BreezyNotes EHR's first birthday, we have another milestone to celebrate: Today marks the one year anniversary of Trade Winds Weekly Digest, BreezyNotes EHR's carefully curated digest of the most relevant behavioral healthcare news. Saving therapists time and sanity [caption id="attachment_1898" align="alignright" width="267"] Click above to...

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Pro Tips: Change an Encounter’s Date of Service

We’ve all done it: You set an encounter, write your note and then realize the appointment is set to the wrong date. It’s a small mistake that could get you in some hot water when it comes time to bill insurance. Changing an Encounter’s Date of...

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BreezyNotes Default User Roles

We can fine-tune what different people in your practice have access to. For instance, a Therapist can see their own clients and client financials, but they cannot see the PHI of clients connected to other therapists. A rough outline of each of our default Access Control Groups is below....

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