Accepting Insurance Payments

Accepting Insurance Payments

To receive and distribute a payment from insurance, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Payments

  2. Click the “Batch” tab

  3. To the right, select the payment method

  4. Under “Payment From,” type the name of the insurance company you’re accepting payment from and click the option that pops up.

  5. Fill out all other relevant information on the form

  6. Click “Save Changes” to enter payment details later, or “Allocate” to choose a client to allocate payment to.
  7. On the “Batch Payment Entry” page, type the name of the first client you’d like to allocate the payment to and click their name on the drop-down

  8. Choose the payment status Dates of Service you’d like to see:

  9. Enter how much of the payment you would like to distribute to each appointment.

    1. Allowed = Will auto calculate Payment and Adj Amount
    2. Payment = The actual payment made by the Payer
    3. Adj Amount = The total adjusted by the payer.
    4. Deductible = How much becomes a client balance as deductible
    5. Takeback = When the payer is doing a takeback, this is the amount being recouped as a positive number. (i.e. so if it’s a $50 takeback, enter the number as 50)
    6. MSP Code = Adjustment reason code
    7. Follow Up and Follow Up Reason – Check notes
  10. Click the “Post Payments” button to complete posting payments for this client and reset interface to select the next client OR click “Finish Payments” to complete the check.