Cancel and Resubmit a Bad or Incorrect Claim

Cancel and Resubmit a Bad or Incorrect Claim

Step 1: Find the Payer Control Number

(also know as a Internal Control Number (ICN) or Claim Control Number)
  1. Click on the claim to open the Claim Detail.
  2. On the far right is the Message Center. Click on the Related tab.
    You’ll see a list of files related to this claim.
  3. Click on the one that starts with “Remittance.”
    The remittance advice for that specific claim will open in another tab.


  4. In the Claim section, locate the Payer Control Number (or PCN).
  5. Copy the PCN and go back to the Claim Details tab. In Box 22. ICN of the “Payer ID” section, paste the PCN.

Step 2: Update “Claim Frequency Type” to Indicate this is a Corrected Claim

  1. In the claim details, near the MEDIA field, click the double arrow icon ().
  2. An “Additional Data” window will pop up. Change the last number in the POS field from a 1 to a 7.
    1=Initial Claim. 7=Corrected claim. The first two numbers are the
    Place of Service (i.e. 11=Office, 02=Telehealth). Don’t change those.

  3. Click “Done”

Step 3: Make Corrections and Resubmit

  1. In the Claim Detail section, make the necessary correction(s).
  2. Under the Transaction menu, choose “Save & Validate.”