Create an Individual Treatment Plan (ITP)

Create an Individual Treatment Plan (ITP)

Create an Individual Treatment Plan

  1. Click on your client’s name to go to the Client Summary.
  2. In the Forms dropdown (near the top), select Individual Treatment Plan.

  3. Click Save and Continue once you’ve filled it out.
  4. Get a client signature on the Treatment Plan
    1. Client Active on the Client Portal? Check the “Publish to Client Portal for sign-off” box:

      The client will receive a notification in the Portal (and in their email if email notifications are turned on in Notices) that they have a document to review and sign.

    2. No Client Portal Account? Click Save. On the next screen, click “Print” then “Print” to print it out.


Return to a Saved Treatment Plan (Or Any Saved Note)

  1. In the Client’s chart, click on Encounter History

  2. In the list of service dates, click on the Individual Treatment Plan to open your saved note: