Accepting and Applying a Pre-Payment from a Client

Accepting and Applying a Pre-Payment from a Client

1. Entering a Pre-Pay

When a client pre-pays, you can enter it using our Payments tab.

  1. Select the Client.
  2. Click on Payments.
  3. If the client is Private Pay, change Client Coverage to “Insurance.”
  4. Select “Pre Pay” in the Payment Against column.
  5. Enter the pre payment amount.
  6. Click Post Payments — This will post a client payment.

2. Finding and Allocating an Unapplied Balance

To access and allocate the balance…
  1. Click on Payments.
  2. Click “Search Payments.”
  3. Set “Pay Status” to “Unapplied” to see all pre-payments and unapplied payments
    ~ OR ~
  4. To search for a specific client’s payments, change “Payment Entity” to “Client.”
  5. Type the beginning of the client name in “Payment From” and select the client.
  6. Click Search.
  7. Click on the payment you want to allocate.
  8. Type the beginning of the client name in “Client.”
  9. Enter payment details for the encounter you’d like to apply part of the payment to.
  10. Click Finish Payments.