Regular Practice Invoicing

Regular Practice Invoicing

Generating regular monthly or bi-weekly invoices is easy with BreezyNotes!

  1. Click on Billing and enter in the dates (using the mm/dd/yyyy format) for “Svc Date” and “To” fields. 
  2. Make sure the dropdown is set to “Open” (it is by default).
  3. Click Search.
  4. Our system will show you all open balances for service dates from your established time frame, and it will automatically check the box in the “Sel” column for encounters where a balance is owed by the client (so if you’re waiting for insurance advice, the box remains unchecked). 
  5. Confirm all the encounter balances w/ checkmarks look appropriate. You can check individual balances by clicking on the Invoice numbers.
  6. Once you’ve confirmed everything is good, click the “PDF Download Selected Statements” button to generate printable invoices.

Quick Notes:

  • Our invoices are designed to fit into an Office Depot brand #10 Double Window Envelope.
  • You can also create a report to see who owes you money using Reports > Financial > Collections.